Our love has traveled to and from many places, Sacramento, Long Beach, San Francisco, Mexico, Texas, and finally landing firm in Los Angeles, CA. Brandon is finally making the music he loves and I am a case manager downtown. We still laugh at all the bumps we hit, and know there will be more to come...though now we are prepared. The thing that keeps us going strong, is the simple fact that we know without a doubt we are soul mates. We are best friends, lovers, fighters, and a constant reminder of the things that really matter...the small things. The butterflies still remain, and the memories continue to grow, we simply could not ask for anything more. We are grateful to the friends who stood by and supported us and know we could not have done it without Lia and Troy, Jake, and both our families. We have welcomed two kids into our life (puppies that is) and for now we feel complete.....stay posted for a belly bump :)


Bad Wedding Dreams

OK, so once again I woke up in a panic after having another horrific wedding dream. IS THIS NORMAL?

You see, being the person I am, everyone is probably assuming that I would be best fit for that show, Bridezillas. Well guess what peeps, I ain't and I have actually been really good about all this wedding ish. Unfortunately though, my brain likes to play tricks on me and see how much I can handle while asleep. Note to brain: I think what you're doing is jacked up and I want you to stop before I go completely loca.

This will now be my third dream where all things went wrong, I mean everything.
The first one went something like this - another wedding planned on same day, we actually sat together and got married with them, the flowers were wrong and I just sat there and sucked it all up in fear that I would look like a crazy Bride if I acted any other way.
Second dream - The tent looked like something out of an 80's high school prom, there were no candles, the flowers were all yellow, I mean bright yellow, there was nothing special and in this one I almost lost it.
Third dream - we had the wedding at a house with an icky pool, my dress didn't fit me---too big (which I guess isn't a bad sign, considering), my sister's dress looked like something only Gothic Barbie would where , everything was behind schedule, ended up doing my own hair and face, everything seemed really dull and worst of all, every one of my girlfriends didn't show up. I specifically remember looking around the room and telling my sister "I am just really hurt", does this mean anything? Once again, I woke up in a panic, grabbed my new fiance and told him "We really gotta get on this wedding" and of course he thought it was adorable and hilarious - I guess his nerves just haven't hit him yet...just wait Brandon...ohhhhh you just wait.

So there it is folks, if you have any idea what all this means (other than dreading having an all pink Steel Magnolias wedding with some 4th Aunt showing up with an armadillo grooms cake) then, I am open for words of wisdom. Now I must go back to my Little Tokyo Service Center world in fantastic LA, where I am gratuitously given daily images of men urinating on the street...ahhh so appetizing!
I really do love this movie...reminds me of my sis and the gals!

1 comment:

  1. It's normal! Crazy wedding dreams...ah I remember them. Start writing them down though because it's pretty funny to go back and read them when everything is all done :) Love you. Perhaps you will have a new "lunch" adventure today. Besos!
