Our love has traveled to and from many places, Sacramento, Long Beach, San Francisco, Mexico, Texas, and finally landing firm in Los Angeles, CA. Brandon is finally making the music he loves and I am a case manager downtown. We still laugh at all the bumps we hit, and know there will be more to come...though now we are prepared. The thing that keeps us going strong, is the simple fact that we know without a doubt we are soul mates. We are best friends, lovers, fighters, and a constant reminder of the things that really matter...the small things. The butterflies still remain, and the memories continue to grow, we simply could not ask for anything more. We are grateful to the friends who stood by and supported us and know we could not have done it without Lia and Troy, Jake, and both our families. We have welcomed two kids into our life (puppies that is) and for now we feel complete.....stay posted for a belly bump :)



So, here we are once more vastly approaching Christmas and WE have one very important thing to be thankful for-----FAMILY!
Thanksgiving in Texas was rather interesting. You see, Brandon's Grandfather "Pow-Pow" has been in the ICU since Sunday the 23rd of November. We knew that he was ill, but we really did not know the extremities he was facing. First thing we did was go and see him once we survived our red-eye flight (which we will never do again). Mimi and Mom seemed exhausted but happy to see us. When we entered the ICU, there seemed to be a strange energy floating about so I quickly asked God for some guidance and made our way down to his room. Pow-Pow did not look very good, tubes everywhere, IVs in both arms, and he was extremely swollen due to the fluid in his body/lungs (kidney failure, double pneumonia, blood infection, aneurysm in stomach, low BP, the list goes on). He was able to open his eyes and give us a good squeeze to let us know he loved us and it was near impossible to hold back the tears. We made it to his bedside once or twice day, reminding him how much we loved him and to keep fighting.

Two nights before we were to leave was very difficult, we were told that he was doing very bad, that he had crashed and we would have to wait out the night with the worst as a possibility. Brandon and I went to meet a friend for a beer...by this point we really needed one or two..more like five. The tears finally came on our way home and all we could do was pray. When we got home, I felt that Brandon needed some time alone so I made my way to Pow-Pow's room, where we had been staying. I changed, got in bed and went over the day in my head. I don't know how much time had passed, but I know that I began my prayer with, "PLEASE Dear Lord help him, PLEASE give him strength". Next thing I knew my face was covered in tears and at least 15 minutes had passed. I'm not quite certain of all the blessings I prayed for, but one thing is certain, God heard them.
The next day, we woke up got ready and made our way to the hospital. Upon entering, Mimi and Mom looked relieved. They explained that he had gotten much better over the night and they could see in his eyes that he was feeling better. When we went inside the ICU, the looming cloud I had previously felt was no longer present. I stood in the hallway directly across from his bed, since there was plenty of family in the room already. To my surprise, Pow Pow lifted his head looked straight at me and motioned for me to come in...ahhhh it was amazing. I went in his room, said my I LOVE YOU's got some firm squeezes in return and I knew, that for however long I prayed the night prior, Pow Pow knew it and God had answered my prayer's.

The next day was our departure date so we made it a simple night. The following morning we quickly packed, met up with Dad and Pa Pa (another grandfather) for a quick meal and headed to the hospital for our last visit. I felt that maybe Brandon needed to spend more time with Pow Pow, so I stayed in the waiting room and let other family go in. About 10 minutes in, Brandon came out with gloves on and told me that Pow Pow was asking for ME. I was shocked! (Since he had so many infections, we had to wear gloves) I hurried down the hall, quickly grabbed gloves, went in and got a nice firm squeeze from Pow-Pow. Brandon made a cute comment about not stealing his future wife, putting a beautiful smile on his face. He tried to ask me when we planned to get married. This was really hard, I felt that he was asking in fear he wouldn't make it. I told him we had planned for next October and he nodded. Brandon and I said I love and he let go of our hands gave a little goodbye and we left with the hopes that God's firm eye was on him.
My point in sharing this is that for the first time ever, I spent thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant and the rest of it at a hospital praying for and supporting my family. For years I thought, oh God I have to get cooking and Thanksgiving will not be the same unless we all get to sit down and cook a dinner at a house with everyone and laugh and drink, etc. But that's not was it's about at all, it's simply about being with your family, regardless of where and regardless of circumstances. I have to say that this was one of the Best Thanksgiving Day's ever. For the first time I was really giving thanks for getting to spend time with our Pow-Pow, who wouldn't have been with us, had he gotten to the hospital 2-hours later. So to my friends and family...love your friends and family, make amends, laugh, cry, and enjoy the life God gave us. With the work I do, I see so many families who have nothing, filled with smiles and joy just to have one another.
Today, at this moment, I am filled with joy, excitement and love, even though I might have some serious hardships and stress. I must say one thank you to someone. Jen, you have become such a beautiful person over the last year, even though there are somethings you do that drive me crazy :) I know the relationship you have with your family and God is something that makes you smile every morning, and I just want to say thank you for your support, education, love, patience, and above all friendship. I love you!


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