Our love has traveled to and from many places, Sacramento, Long Beach, San Francisco, Mexico, Texas, and finally landing firm in Los Angeles, CA. Brandon is finally making the music he loves and I am a case manager downtown. We still laugh at all the bumps we hit, and know there will be more to come...though now we are prepared. The thing that keeps us going strong, is the simple fact that we know without a doubt we are soul mates. We are best friends, lovers, fighters, and a constant reminder of the things that really matter...the small things. The butterflies still remain, and the memories continue to grow, we simply could not ask for anything more. We are grateful to the friends who stood by and supported us and know we could not have done it without Lia and Troy, Jake, and both our families. We have welcomed two kids into our life (puppies that is) and for now we feel complete.....stay posted for a belly bump :)


A new addition

Every year thousands of dogs are left on the street because a family moves and can't take them, or they get lost or some evil person just simply dumps them on the side of a road. Well, my heart goes out to every single little animal out there on the streets and wish I could do something for all of them. Whenever I see a wandering or lost animal I try to help it and usually end up on the side of the road myself crying because I failed. The other day, while driving to my mothers on the 30, I saw a large dog on the side of the freeway (near fast lane) that had passed away. The dog who I named Sam, looked as though he had been nicked then limped over and leaned against the wall to die because nobody stopped to help him. I completely lost it and decided that I must share these stories to try and encourage people to do something. Unfortunately, we cannot save them all, but we can create more awareness and help the ones in need.

Last Thanksgiving, Brandon and I made a decision to adopt a dog in need. We intended to welcome the new member to our family with a tasty Thanksgiving dinner, but were having a hard time with our search. There were so many dogs alone, cold and shaking in the shelters. Saturday morning, after Brandon had gone back to LA, my niece Sophie and I went on a hunt...determined to save a life. Well, like I say, God always waits for the right moments. We found an adorable black puppy at the Petco in Redlands, through BARC Animal shelter. Without a doubt, I knew she needed to come home with us, and so she did. Everyone in the family welcomed her home and she couldn't be happier. A few weeks later, Brandon and I called BARC because our puppu had several siblings that I had seen and we were going to try and find them homes, but it turned out they found homes too. I guess the purpose of me sharing this story is so friends and family can please remember to save a life when you can, or help one on the road, even a little food is helpful, or donating blankets to shelters. Dogs will love you no matter what, they will greet with love and kisses at the door and only hope for your love in return!

"Marley and Me"
A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.

This is Olive Grieco Tomas - she was saved from a life on the streets living on nothing but sewage water. We love her dearly and Iggie is so happy to have a friend at home!

1 comment:

  1. Alison (Peveto) RaderFebruary 23, 2010 at 9:20 PM

    Hey, I grew up with Brandon and our families have been friends for, oh, like 4 generations. :-) Anyway, loved this post. Our dog is a puppy mill rescue and is the most unconditionally loving dog ever. He's crazy as all get out, but sweet. Oh, and great playlist! I stuck around just to hear the music.
